BudgetMaster EN
checkBugfix: CSV Import
Fixes an error in appearance when importing transactions from a CSV file.
checkSettings option for transaction name suggestion ordering
Add new settings option to define how transaction name suggestions are ordered (alphabetically or by frequency of use).
checkAccounts: new optional field "end date"
Accounts can now have an end date. A warning is displayed after login if the end date of an account will soon be reached.
checkAccounts: new optional field "description"
Accounts can now be given a description.
checkBugfix: CSV import
Fixed a bug that prevented to select the correct columns during csv import if the csv has fewer rows than columns .
checkBugfix: MariaDB
Fixes a bug when using MariaDB.
checkAccount balances
Show the current balance for each account in the account select.
checkBugfix: Transactions are no longer saved multiple times
Fixes an error that caused transactions to be saved multiple times during CSV import.
checkSort categories alphabetically in bar charts
Categories in bar charts are now sorted alphabetically.
checkBugfix: CSV import from template
Fixes a bug hat caused the category of a template to be overridden by the CSV data.
checkCSV import: avoid page reload
Avoid page reload on skip/undo skip and on inline save.
checkImprove docker image size
Drastically reduce the size of the docker image.
checkBugfix: CSV import floating point precision
Fixes a bug that lead to wrong transactions amounts due to floating point precision.
checkBugfix: filter usage
Fixes a bug that prevented filters from being usable.
checkSave and prefill CSV import settings
All settings during csv import are saved and prefilled at the next import.
checkShow transaction name suggesstions in CSV import
While importing transactions from csv the transaction name input offers suggestions based on existing transactions.
checkCSV import: allow configuration of amount separators
The csv import provides new configuration options to specify the grouping and decimal separators of the amount in the csv file.
checkShow account balance instead of rest
Show balance of previous month and balance of current month instead of rest.
checkActive recurring transactions overview
Add a new page to provide an overview for all active recurring transactions.
checkCreate transactions based on bank documents
Add a new workflow to create transactions via importing a CSV file from your bank.
checkClickable chart areas
Show the related transactions for an area by using shift + mouse click in charts.
checkImprove workflow for changes in repeating transactions
Establish a better workflow when a repeating transaction needs to be changed.
checkSearch for date range
Allow selection of a date range while performing a search.
1checkFix: Do not force amount input for templates
The new template page does not force input of amount anymore.
2checkFix: Transaction highlighting in search
Fixes a bug that caused transactions not being highlighted correctly.
3checkFix: Search for available updates in tomcat
Fixes a bug hat prevents the search for available updates in tomcat.
checkRemove database migrator
Remove the automatic h2 to postresql database migrator.
checkSimplify import process
Simplify the import process (reduce steps and magic features).
checkRe-design settings page
Re-design the settings page to increase usability.
checkWarn about income/expenditure switch
If you use special keywords (list is customizable) in the name of a new transaction, you will be reminded to mark the transaction as an income.
checkGroup transactions by date
For better readability, transactions are grouped by date on the overview page.
checkSearch: ignore order of search words
When using the search function, it no longer matters in which order multiple search words are entered.
checkNew database backend
Migration of the BudgetMaster database backend.
checkAdd link to created item
The success banner on saving an account, category, transaction, etc should include a link to the created item.
checkNew hotkey
Add a new hotkey to open the account selection.
checkMore suggestions
Load more names for transaction name suggestions.
checkBugfix: Sort tags naturally
Sort tags naturally in tag overview.
checkCharts: Show date range
Show selected date range in charts.
checkBugfix: Delete accounts
Fixed a bug that prevents the deletion of accounts that are used in templates.
checkBugfix: Critical import bug
Fixes a critical bug in import mechanism that leads to wrong categories assigned to transactions.
checkBugfix: Delete category modal
Fixes a bug that prevents the modal from opening when deleting a category.
checkBugfix: Database delete
Fixes that template groups are not being correctly deleted on database deletion.
checkBugfix: Transactions from hidden accounts
Fixes a bug that causes transactions from hidden accounts to be displayed if "all accounts" is selected.
checkBugfix: Backup database
Database json backups should always be stored in utf-8.
checkBugfix: Error when saving repeating transactions
Fixed an error that occurred when saving repeating transaction that should end on a certain date.
checkNew charts4/4
1checkNew chart: income/expenditures per year per categories
2checkNew chart: Average monthly income/expenditures per year
3checkNew chart: Average monthly income/expenditure sum per category
4checkNew chart: average monthly incomes/expenditures per category
1checkFix: Tags with single quotes prevents tag input
Fixes the problem that tags with single quotes prevents tag input.
2checkFix: Income transfers not filtered correctly
Fixes the filter behavior for income transfers.
3checkFix: Transfer direction is not respected in charts
Fixes the behavior of transfers in charts.
checkGroup templates
Allow templates to be grouped.
checkSave-and-continue button
Add a "save and continue" button to new transaction page.
checkCustomizable icon font color
Allow customization of icon font colors.
checkNew account select
Re-design the global account select.
checkRecurring transfers
Allow transfer transactions to be scheduled for automatic repetition.
checkNew transaction from existing one
Allow the creation of a transaction based on an existing one (form inputs are pre-filled automatically).
checkSearch: Option to include hidden accounts
Add a checkbox to include transactions from hidden accounts.
checkTrim text inputs
All whitespace in text inputs should be trimmed before saving.
checkBugfix: sort templates by template name
Sort templates by template name instead of transaction name in template overview.
checkImprove image loading
Improve image loading performance.
checkNew hotkey
Add a new hotkey to open the transaction overview.
checkImprove chart chooser
Completely re-design the chart chooser page.
checkUsability hints
Add dismissible information boxes showing useful hints.
checkNon square images
Add support for non square account, category and template icons.
checkImprove performance
Only load images from database if needed.
checkFontawesome icons
Support fontawesome icons for accounts and templates too.
checkTag overview
New page for viewing tag names and how often they are used.
checkJump to search
Directly jump to search from accounts, categories and tags overview.
checkImprove account import
Remember account matching and show only one button to create a new account.
checkBugfix hidden accounts
Fixes a bug that caused transfers from hidden accounts to be hidden as well.
checkFix for read-only accounts
Prevents the creation of new transactions for read-only accounts.
checkFix for backup file size
Optimizes the size of the backup files.
checkGit backup
Schedule an automatic export of your database content and commit to a local or remote git repository.
checkHotkeys to switch months
Switch to the previous or next month using the arrow keys.
checkThe Design Offensive4/4
1checkIcons for categories
Choose an icon from an existing icon library.
2checkIcons for accounts
Upload your own images and set them as account icons.
3checkIcons for templates
Upload your own images and set them as template icons.
4checkDisplay categories as circles or squares
checkAdd charts to backup
User-defined charts are saved on database export and can also be imported again.
checkRe-design the import process
Improved design of the import process.
Visualize some numbers of your BudgetMaster instance.
checkHide accounts
In addition to mark an account as readonly it is possible to hide the account and all corresponding transactions completely.
checkBugfixes for database import
Several bugfixes for problems during database import.
checkFix for tags in templates
Fixes the problem that no tags were saved when saving a template.
checkChange transaction type
Transform a transaction to another type (e.g. change a normal transaction to a repeating one)
checkJava 11
Migrate the project to Java 11
checkReadonly accounts
Allow to deactivate accounts (transactions can't be added or removed from deactivated accounts)
checkFirst use guide
Simple introduction on how to use BudgetMaster.
checkFix for income/expenditure switch
Fixes a problem that results in all new transactions being shown as incomes.
checkFix for repeating transactions
Fixes a problem that prevented the saving of repeating transactions.
checkFix for template income/expenditure switch
Fixes a problem that results in all templates being expenditures.
checkFix for error on startup
Fixes a problem that prevented the start of BudgetMaster if the database includes repeating transactions with tags.
checkFix for error when using templates
Fixed a bug that prevented the creation of new transactions from a template.
checkFix for duplicated transactions
Fixes the problem that causes some transactions to be shown multiple times after opening the database with the new version of BudgetMaster.
checkTransaction Templates
Allows the creation of templates for similar transactions.
checkAuto Backup
Allows the scheduling of automatic BudgetMaster data backups.
checkCustom Directory
New command line option to set custom directory where settings, database and backups are stored.
checkName Suggestions
Show suggestions for transaction name based on the last 25 created transactions.
checkNew Charts2/2
1checkIncome/expenditures per year
2checkRest per month
checkFix for incorrect import
Fixes a problem that causes some transactions to be inserted into the wrong accounts when importing multiple accounts.
checkFix for account management
Fixes problems when deleting accounts.
checkDefault chart templates3/3
1checkIncome/payments by categories
2checkIncome/paymentes per month
3checkCategory budgets
checkExport charts as images
checkChart template editor
Allows you to create your own chart templates.
Allows you to increase yout productivity by using sime pre-defined hotkeys to open certain pages.
checkFix transaction overview
Fixes a problem where opening the transaction page with all accounts selected shows too much entries.
checkUI improvements
Show full date in search results; Fix CSS positioning problems on filter and report page.
checkSearch Anywhere
Allows you to search for transactions, categories and much more at any time.
checkTransfer functionality
Simply create transfer transactions between several accounts.
checkBackup reminder
Reminds you to backup your data once per month (can be disabled).
checkDeleting a category
Allows you to move all transactions to a new category when deleting a category.
checkFix global date picker
Fixes a problem where using the global datepicker to choose the month and year leads to a broken page.
checkTransaction filter
Allows you to filter all transactions by categories, tags, type, ...
checkMonth reports
Create customizable PDF month reports.
checkGlobal datepicker usability
Improve the usability of the global dialog for selecting month and year.
checkUser Interface
Small improvements concerning the website layout.
checkTomcat Compatibility
Allows a Tomcat server to manage a BudgetMaster instance.
checkA fresh start
Full rewrite of the entire project. Features a fresh web ui supporting various screen resolutions.
checkLocal Server
Possibility to use BudgetMaster on a local computer without setting up a BudgetMasterServer.
checkCertificate for usage in LAN
Add a predefined certificate to usw if BudgetMaster is running in local network (saves the creation of own certificate).
Add the possibility to use a SQLite database instead of MySQL.
1checkFloating point error for new payments
2checkLoading dialog not modal
3checkDatabase connectivity issues
4checkAmount validation
It was possible to enter multiple commas in the amount textfield.
1checkMaximum description length
Increasing the maximum description character limit from 150 to 200 characters.
2checkImproved month report tab perfomance
3checkLoading dialog closeable
4checkSearch refresh
The search is now automatically refreshed if a payment is edited.
5checkMonth report
All month report table cells are now vertically centered.
6checkAbout dialog
Added used libraries to about dialog.
Fix critical error on startup
checkBetter changelog
Better display of changes in new versions.
checkDeveloper console
Secret developer console with some useful commands.
checkBetter About-Dialog
checkTag system
Set tags for any payment.
Search for payments in all months.
checkAutomatic update check
Checks for available updates on client startup.
checkEasier update procedure
Allows you to update BudgetMasterClient without having to manually download anything.
checkLocalization of all strings
Externalize all strings from the ui to an external file.
checkEnglish localization
Fixed a bug that prevents the correct updating of repeating payments.
checkReport functionality
Allows the exporting of month reports as pdf.
checkSecurity improvements2/2
1checkImproving database access security
2checkPassword on client startup
checkUnit Tests
1checkIncomes by categories per month
2checkPayments by categories per month
3checkBar chart
Bar chart for income/payment sums per month (comparison between multiple months).
checkDelete Database
Allows you to clear the complete database content.
checkExport database
Allows you to export and backup your database.
checkImport database
Allows you to import a previously exported database.
checkFilter payments functionality
1checkMonthly budget overview
2checkPayment Overview
View all incomes and payments in one tab.
3checkManage Categories
Create, rename, re-color or delete your personal categories.
Manage the server connection from the client settings.
1checkCreate Database
Create alle necessary tables if database is empty.
2checkDatabase Queries
Implement all queries required for adding, updating, deleting or reading data from the database.
Add possibility to sum up rest amount of all previous months and add them as income for the current month.
Encrypted communication between client and server.
Password protected access to the server.